
Over the Hill Party Drinks

Do I look 50? I don't feel 50.

Sure, it's possible to hold an Over the Hill party without alcoholic beverages, just like it's possible to hold a wake without booze. But don't expect people to attend or stay long. Alcohol is the social lubricant that keeps all those squeaky parts from rubbing together noisily. And remember, friends don't let friends drive!
Blue Hair
(a/k/a Bloody Smurf Jizz)

3/4 oz Blue Curacao liqueur
3/4 oz grenadine syrup
1 tsp Bailey's Irish cream
Bleeding Ulcer Punch

2 32-oz bottles cranberry juice cocktail
2 cups orange juice
1 cup pineapple juice
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup lemon juice
1 28-oz bottle ginger ale
2 trays large ice cubes
Lemon and orange slices

How to prepare:
Chill all juices. Slice orange and lemons for garnish.

Combine the juices with the sugar in a large punch bowl and stir until sugar is dissolved. Add remaining ingredients. Add orange and lemon slices just before serving.
Grandpa’s Cough Syrup

1 cup whiskey
1/4 cup peppermint schnapps
1 cup honey
2 lemons

How to prepare:
Squeeze lemons into honey and add whiskey and peppermint schapps. Stir and shake until throughly mixed. Serve in sippy cup.
Where to Buy


Every smart Over the Hill party planner knows when to bring in the professionals – at the very beginning of the process. Over the Hill party decorations, supplies, ideas and gag gifts will make your event a hit, and they are all available at Over the